Sunday, 28 December 2008

A short one today

[I was in Edinburgh yesterday visiting my grandmother which is why there was no post.]

Here's a very informative post from Though Cowards Flinch which (to whet your appetite) starts:

Over any holiday, online reading material tends to accumulate. Christmas 2008 has been no exception even though no few blogs are on vacation. One that I really wanted to challenge was the post over at Mil’s place entitled, “The Petri Dish Philosophy of Politics“. Mil makes the argument that we should import regional minimum wages into the UK, allowing say Birmingham or Manchester to experiment with a higher minimum wage.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for commenting. I'm really glad you enjoy the blog and i like to get feedback.

    Sorry it took so long to reply, I've been at home for over a week now so the time that I wake up in the morning has gone past noon. Pretty soon I'll have to get used to having normal waking hours for going back to Uni but for now I can enjoy sloth.
